Support Us

Considering Supporting Our Powerful Work? Here’s Why You Should.

We view every contribution we receive as so much more than money. To us, it’s fuel. Working in tandem with our passion for creating change in Spokane, your donations help keep the fire of progress burning, and that’s more valuable than dollars and cents could ever quantify. That’s why every donation matters to the Junior League of Spokane. When you donate to the Junior League of Spokane, you’re helping us empower local women to create positive, lasting societal change in the greater Spokane community.

Your Donations Make a Local Impact.

The Junior League of Spokane is committed to maintaining our promise of good stewardship, which begins with transparency, openness, and a proactive approach to sharing the direct impact of the contributions we receive. Currently, we are working with community partners throughout Spokane to address and solve pressing issues like improving access to basic needs to alleviate sources of stress and increase resiliency for women, children, and families who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences and/or trauma.

For over 100 years The Junior League has been helping to lift people out of poverty, community by community. Our history is strong, and you’ve helped to make that possible.

Help Us Confront Spokane’s Most Pressing Issues, Head On.

As just one of 291 Leagues in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and the U.K., we have the unique privilege of watching over 140,000 women take similar action within their own communities. This unending source of inspiration provides us with a powerful depth of knowledge and motivation to bring about the changes we strive to accomplish. Your contributions help make this work possible.

Donating is Safe, Simple, and Secure

When you choose to donate to the Junior League of Spokane, feel confident that your personal information is safe. All donations are processed through a secure portal, so you’ll never have to worry about privacy.

Click here to donate

1924 Giving Circle

The funds we raise help to sustain our organization’s mission, train women to serve Spokane, and impact our community through our community impact projects. The primary way we raise funds as members is through the annual fund, with a goal for 100% member participation.

To celebrate our upcoming 100 year celebration as a league, we have created the 1924 Giving Circle to recognize those personal donors that make significant personal donations. Personal donors above $240 per year (or with monthly recurring donations of $20 per month) are welcomed into the 1924 Giving Circle. 1924 Giving Circle members will be celebrated in the Junior League of Spokane’s Annual Report.

Click here to join the 1924 Giving Circle

How Much Should I Donate to the Junior League of Spokane?

Every amount matters to our League. Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and our tax ID is 91-6033864.

Consider a Tribute Gift

Giving a gift in tribute to a loved one is a beautiful way to honor their legacy of community service, charity, and altruism. We welcome and appreciate tribute gifts of any amount.

Ways to Give

To donate by mail, please mail your check payable to:

Junior League of Spokane
P.O. Box 4563
Spokane, WA 99220

To make a donation online, please access our donation form here. Please consider joining our monthly giving program by checking the appropriate box on our donation form.

Do More With Employee Matching Gifts

To find out if your company has a matching gift program, please contact your Human Resources department.

Your Donations at Work

Contact our Funding Director at

View our Annual Report here.